This years meetup will be held on 20th May 2023. Hope to see everyone.
Nurses Blog
Thoughts & Musings
This years meetup will be held on 20th May 2023. Hope to see everyone.
We have all had a difficult and challenging year. The committee decided to change the date of next years meeting to Saturday 18th September. I do hope you are enjoying Christmas and Next Year as best you can
Best Wishes
I do hope everyone is keeping well during these challenging times.
Like everyone else I have been gardening, cooking, cleaning, and keeping in touch with friends and family within the ever changing guidelines.
Keep safe and well and hopefully see everyone on May8th 2021.
It was so good to see everyone again and the day was enjoyed by all.
What a lot of chattering. Dilys shared her thoughts on facebook whilst Jean
shared some varied and interesting memories of her working life.
See you all on 2019.
Another enjoyable event with a thought provoking speaker. It seems to taken a long time for the care system to be put in place. long may it last. Our new timetable went down well with the majority of people in favour. We will try to improve our arrangements for 2018 and bring the group closer together. Please enjoy the photographs suppled by Jean Duerden.
See you all in 2018.
It was another good day and a delight to see so many old faces. A special hello to colleagues who joined us for the first time. We hope to see you again. Next year is organised already and looking forward to listening to Pelly's friend. I made it home without a speeding ticket and so a successful trip! Love to all Dilys
I am looking forward to the meeting on the 14th May. An appeal from Pat Mayle on behalf of Salford Royal. If anyone has spare hotel sized toiletries could you bring them to the reunion. They provide draw string bags ton give to people who need to stay urgently.
event at pub 21.4.14
this is a test post